Beach Grass Planting

by | Jan 2, 2015 | Homepage News | 0 comments

The Willow School community partners with the American Littoral Society to regenerate the Jersey Shore

beachgrass2015Since 2010, the students, parents, and faculty of The Willow School have participated in an annual event intended to raise awareness about the importance of healthy dune ecology systems along our shores. The service learning project begins with an educational Morning Gathering presentation by Stevie Thorsen from the American Littoral Society.  Each student then plants an individual stalk of American beach grass to be cared for in the halls of the school until late March.   By growing the plants themselves, students develop a feeling of ownership and attachment for their plants and thus their local dune ecosystem.   Students contribute to the N.J. dune restoration initiative and get the satisfaction of helping to preserve a local ecosystem. On Saturday, March 28 from 10 a.m. -12 p.m., the School will return to Sandy Hook to participate in the culm planting event hosted by the American Littoral Society.

For more information about the important work of the American Littoral society, please visit

For more information about The Willow School, please call 908-470-9500

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