Willow alumna Greta Schacht will be hosting a screening of the film “Girl Rising,” a groundbreaking documentary film about girls’ education around the world, at The Willow School on May 24.
“Girl Rising” is not a just a movie; it’s a movement for girls’ education and empowerment. Around the world, millions of girls face barriers to education that boys do not. “Girl Rising” tells the stories of nine incredible girls who lives have been affected by the absolute power of education–or lack thereof. When Greta saw the film, she was immediately inspired to do more.
“From what I’ve been taught at Willow and have experienced in my own life, one small act truly can make a big difference,” Greta said. “If this film can inspire someone to go out and take that extra step, whether that be something as small as telling their friends to watch this movie or as big as raising money or going out and volunteering, everything counts. The world isn’t as big as it seems. We are all connected by our humanity, and I hope that this film reminds people of that.”
Greta’s screening of “Girl Rising” will take place on Thursday, May 24 in the Barn Studio at Willow at 1150 Pottersville Rd in Gladstone, NJ. Tickets cost $10, and the price of your ticket goes to the Girl Rising organization. Doors 6:30pm. Film starts at 7pm. Light refreshments will be served. Due to adult themes in the film, the screening will be for attendees ages 18 and up.
Click here to buy your tickets online!
Want to learn more about how Greta found out about Girl Rising and how it’s inspired her? Click here to read an interview with Greta by Willow Alumni Society Coordinator Gabi Amaral about Girl Rising and more!