Willow fifth grader Juliana Holmes organized and led the first annual Black River Road Clean-Up as her Passion Hour Project, a dedicated time for Willow students to design and pursue their own projects, related to what they most care about. Read more on Juliana’s clean-up from The Black River Journal below:

Juliana Holmes and the trash her team cleaned up.
“The Holmes family enjoy their walks down Black River Road in Pottersville, but during one family stroll they counted 650 pieces of trash. So, their oldest daughter, Juiliana, a 5th grader at The Willow School, decided to do something about it.
Not only did she organize a clean-up of the road with her family and friends, she is analyzing the litter to see what people are throwing out and will present her findings to her class when she returns to school in September, as part of her Passion Hour Project. According to her Dad, Rob, she has made some pretty astute connections. ‘Dad, these look like people are throwing out all their bad habits,’ she told her father. ‘There’s soda and alcohol and cigarettes.’
When asked how she felt to be making a difference, she said ‘I feel good about it … I don’t really feel like walking on a road with trash on it.’
‘Thank you!’ a driver yelled out as he passed Juliana and her volunteer clean-up crew.
See more photos on blackriverjournal.com!