Noelle Iati

Alumni Spotlight: Greta Schacht

Alumni Spotlight: Greta Schacht

We last interviewed to Greta Schacht, Class of 2014, when she organized a viewing of the documentary "Girl Rising" at Willow last May. Inspired by the film, she decided to take time off before college in order to travel, learn about global issues, figure out how she...

Alumni Spotlight: Luca Pizzale

Alumni Spotlight: Luca Pizzale

Luca Pizzale graduated from Willow in 2018 and is now a freshman at Pingry. In school, he enjoys math, science, and art, and and outside of school, he plays the piano, participates in a trivia competition club called the Quiz Bowl, works set and tech for drama...

Alumni Advice: Loving Yourself

Alumni Advice: Loving Yourself

It’s the month of love! Whether you love or hate Valentine’s Day, subscribe to “kindness weeks,” or think the whole thing is corporate silliness, you can’t ignore the onslaught of romantic media you’re exposed to in February. For those not romantically involved,...

Alumni Spotlight: Alexa Epstein

Alumni Spotlight: Alexa Epstein

Alexa Epstein, a Willow Class of 2017 graduate, is a sophomore at Voorhees High School. A lover of theater, she will soon be performing in SKIT's production of Newsies. "I have been doing theater since fourth grade," Alexa said. "I love it because I get to be someone...

Alumni Advice: Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Alumni Advice: Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year marks a time for new hopes and dreams of coming adventures…and of course, new promises to ourselves we may not keep. This New Year, let your resolutions be about personal growth and development—make them about self-love instead of self-loathing. Here are...

Alumni Spotlight: Helena Digney

Alumni Spotlight: Helena Digney

Helena Digney, from Willow's Class of 2014, is currently attending Connecticut College in New London. She's on track to become a veterinarian with an environmental science major. Helena said she's interested in exploring the field of holistic medicine and its...

How to Be Green for Halloween

How to Be Green for Halloween

The air is cold and crisp. Pumpkin spice everything abounds. For many of us, our favorite holiday is coming up: Halloween! On Halloween, we can pretend to be someone else for a day, throw all of our creative energies into elaborate costumes, trick-or-treat, or just...

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