==August 2020==
—Bigin configurations for email, MailChimp, etc.
—Updated the email template to be THANKS-50, changed the THANKS-15 coupon to a THANKS-50 coupon, recreated the MailChimp rule to make the purchase price a factor (>$24.94), and had it resend to Molly. I can update the rule to add all the “free” orders, but not sure you wanted to do that if they already got a free eBook, so I held off on that.
—Integrations of Bigin w/MailChimp, Google
Google just requires entering your credentials
MailChimp requires Napier account to link it with Bigin
—50% discount for new buyers, not 15%
Thanks for shopping with us. As an extra token of our appreciation, we’re offering a summer special: Take 50% off your next eBook purchase with coupon code THANKS-50. Hurry, this promo ends August 31st!
Thanks for using {site_url}!
Buy One Get One Free==July 2020== —Generate new lists of colleges to add to College Planning doc; create lookup sequence to assign six-digit IDs and de-dup where possible —Upload links, videos, pics etc. to virtual booth for IECA —Create add’l video screens for latest IECA video —Make edits as needed to PDF resources —Recreate Press mentions page using existing Helpful Resources page —Create timesheet system for interns using Google Forms/Sheets —Replace all existing eBooks on site with updated 2020/2021 versions; add new eBooks where applicable; generate new 3D cover images from updated 2020/2021 PDFs; remove all 2019-2020 images from WooCommerce eBook products and from college listings pages, and replace with 2020/2021 versions —Clean up existing WordPress Media Library folders where possible; move orphaned or incorrectly placed images into proper folders —Assistance to Mark with setup/schema of new contacts database/CRM ==May/June 2020== —Complete switchover to new affiliate program and disable previous setup —General assistance and consultation on podcast setup and creating podcast-specific posts (embedded player code, subscribe buttons, etc.) and integration into site. —General assistance with Patreon page setup (artwork, video, etc.) —Create MailChimp template for announcements of podcasts —Create MailChimp automation and template to thank eBook purchasers —Review and report on latest Google Analytics numbers and other college student-oriented services —Reconstruct Helpful Resources page to distinguish affiliates from patterns and fix cosmetic issues —Set up options in podcast posts to link to transcript and display transcript to reader while retaining ability for Googlebot to index transcript for SEO —Research various KPI dashboards; configure KIlpfoilo & Cyfe with CS data to evaluate use as addition to advertising info page —Add Facebook & Twitter social sharing options for images via replacement of Pin-It plugin with Image Share —Create/upload various items for virtual vendor booth —Fix issues with Google Search Console/Google Analytics not linking correctly —Create alternate Student Ambassador form using Google Sheets and set up email confirmation of submissions —Construct custom icons to illustrate KPI and metrics for advertisers; build updated Advertise With Us page to add Audience, Content, Social and Alliances metrics sections ==April 2020== —Team page updates —Adjusted About and Colleges in the top menu, and under Colleges, A-Z, By Size, and By Location so they all reveal their submenus on mobile. —Kill MailChimp link for popup —Install affiliate plugin, configure settings, create home/control panel/T&C/other pages and call to action, document basic operation —Create media kit flyers for ads, one w/rates and one w/o —Create new pages for Podcasts | Scoops for Parents | Scoops for Students | Scoops by Educational Consultants | Scoops by Guest Editors | Admissions Scoops | Scoops Weekly Reads —Correct mobile usability issues per Google Search Console alert —Code modifications to listings page to replace limited sidebar with site-wide default sidebar; shift college location/map widget area from top of original sidebar to listing body —Code modifications to post template to enable inline ad to appear at very top of content —Create series of static/animated ads for affiliate portal —Set up plugin to link affiliate commissions to WooCommerce products —Configure GSuite account to remove extra paid email accounts and set up aliases for hello@ —Review MailChimp design for monthly scoops newsletter, create alternate version with various blocks and save as template for all future mailings —Assist w/audio setup for podcasts and create podcast logo —Troubleshoot affiliate program (unsuccessfully), export all users and data from existing program, install new affiliate manager plugin, configure, set up and test, add creatives from previous system, recreate users, construct emails to send to existing affiliates with instructions for updating to use new system, etc. ==March 2020== —Created on-site subscriber form with new MC4WP plugin for footer with tags (newsletter, website, footer) to replace the existing one that used MallChimp embedded code. Subscribers are now added to main College Scoops audience. —Removed embedded MailChimp popup form code and replaced with Hustle popup form that sends tags (newsletter, website, popup) to main College Scoops audience. —Disabled existing MailChimp <—> WooCommerce plugin and enabled WooCommerce synchronization via MC4WP plugin (MC4WP handles this and adds other features). —Tested double opt-in for users subscribing to College Scoops audience and removed Sweet Travels references. Disabled double opt-in (for now). —Exported College Scoops Website and College Scoops Free Guide audiences for backup. Tagged all members of other audiences so they can be ID’d once they are merged into main College Scoops audience. —Built new Gravity form to allow for online payments for ads or other purposes, and integrated Stripe as payment option (waiting to test). —Configured AdRotate plugin to display ads with three 300×250 groups to rotate ads in sidebar of site on main pages. —Created new sidebar with three ad elements and other widgets to replace existing sidebar. —Created CSS to enable tags to show in post footer, but hide above title on the main blog page (looks crowded?). Created tag cloud for sidebar (added to new sidebar for review). —Created sidebar widget to show only videos at top and modified Latest Blog posts widget to show all BUT videos. —Combined MailChimp audiences into one. —Set up options to use videos as posts and display with images or video preview in blog lists; created thumbnail masters —Create Vanderbilt U video —Update all CS logos to ® —Replace logos on site, elsewhere —Home page updates to hero slider and links —Create Videos page to show all video posts on site —Set up caching/optimizations on site to reduce page load time