Get Ready for Middle School
Is your child moving up to middle school? These years can be exciting, but also complex and challenging for kids and parents. Our Get Ready for Middle School series can help. Subscribe using the form below and receive Willow’s best tips, advice, and guidance on topics such as:

Empathy: A Lifelong Skill Your Child Should Learn by Middle School Is empathy and kindness lacking in your child’s school? Learn 5 ways middle school can foster empathy in students.
Empowering Your Middle Grader: Understanding Executive Functioning and Your Temperamental Teen What is executive functioning? Why do students struggle with executive functioning as they move into middle school? Get practical tips to help your child be successful in school.
Speaking Up: How to Teach Self-Advocacy to Middle Schoolers
Screen Detox: A Guide to Managing or Reducing Your Child’s Screen Time
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Director of Admissions Lisa VanderVeen is here to help! Contact her at (908) 470-9500, ext. 1100 or via email.