Willow is featured in the Winter 2019 edition of Independent School Magazine! The article focuses on our first graders' year-long study of communities and their culminating learning celebration, Community in the Woods. Read the article here!

Willow is featured in the Winter 2019 edition of Independent School Magazine! The article focuses on our first graders' year-long study of communities and their culminating learning celebration, Community in the Woods. Read the article here!
Willow partnered with Information Matrix, an award-winning educational television series highlighting the evolution of education, medicine, science, technology and industry, to make a short video describing how today's traditional educational system is failing...
The Willow School's March 5 Maple Festival was featured on NJ News 12's Education Matters segment! Click here to watch! Learn more about this awesome, multi-grade project that incorporates STEAM skills and place-based learning here.
Community. Responsibility. Stewardship. At Willow, even the lunch program reflects these values, thanks to Luna Catering and The Common Market! According to The Common Market, Willow's lunch program supported 18 local farms by purchasing 907 pounds of local food in...
Way to go, Grade 4! In just one hour, fourth graders sold out of the reusable bags they designed to raise money for 4Ocean, an organization dedicated to actively removing trash from the ocean and coastlines. This fundraiser is part of an effort by Willow fourth...
The Willow School's student-led Genius Hour was featured on NJ News 12's Education Matters segment this week! Practiced by innovative companies like Google, at Willow, the program gives Grade 3, 4, and 5 students dedicated time to explore a passion or interest and...
Thank you to the volunteers who joined us at America's Grow-a-Row yesterday to harvest food for the Community FoodBank of New Jersey! In just two hours, Willow volunteers harvested 700 pounds of kale. That’s 2,800 servings of fresh food that will help our neighbors in...
Students from preschool to Grade 8 join demand for global climate action. Inspired by 16 year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg and her Fridays for Future Global Climate Strikes, Willow students led a Climate March on campus today. Students, teachers, and...
Who am I? The kindergarten Class of 2018 answered this question in a special year-end celebration of the culmination of their studies of the self hat incorporated social studies, language, art, acting, and music. Kindergarten students explore the self throughout the...
The Willow School’s first graders built their own town on Willow’s campus as the culmination of their lessons on community on Friday, June 1. Willow’s Community in the Woods serves not only as a celebration of the students’ learning, but also as a fundraiser for...