Many schools separate kids with food allergies. Willow includes them.  

Willow provides a safe and inclusive environment for children with severe and/or life threatening allergies. As a small community, we’re able to address food and nut allergy concerns on an individual basis, allowing students with food allergies to enjoy stress-free mealtimes with their peers while implementing precautions that support the health and wellbeing of your child.

“Willow is a safe environment for kids with food allergies, including my son. Willow has been an environment where he was both protected and allowed to navigate and grow. The goal is for him and other children with food allergies to have the skills and confidence to ask the right questions and learn to make safe food choices ultimately in the real world. At Willow, my son has always felt that he is a part of the group, not separated out and different. Differences at Willow have been treated as a normal part of life, and he has been happy to fit in.”

Maria Parrella

Willow Alumnus Parent

Dummy to Close First Accordion
Allergy Policy

Willow is prepared to work with families and children who have life threatening and/or severe allergies. Your primary contact will be the School Nurse. Our process for alternative menu items is as follows:

  • Parents of students with food allergy/sensitivity submit documentation from their child’s physician to the School Nurse.
  • Within 48 hours, School Nurse can safely accommodate a food allergy/sensitivity alternative meal request. Allergy friendly meal options are prepared daily, though alternatives offered may not be the same as the main menu item.
  • Families of students who have life threatening allergies also have the option to opt out of the Lunch Program and bring (nut free) lunch daily.
  • Documentation of food allergy/sensitivity needs to be submitted to the School Nurse annually.
NO Nuts Policy

The Willow School has had a NO Nuts policy in place since 2007 to address the rise in the number of children with life threatening food allergies. The school cannot guarantee a nut-free campus, but takes the following actions:

  • Purchase nut-free products for all School operated programs including After School and Summer Camp.
  • Parents are advised to be conscious of our nut-free policy and ensure that any snacks they bring into class live up to our standards. If students bring in homemade items for class parties or events, it may be necessary to submit an ingredient list for review by the School Nurse.
  • Willow recommends families refer to for a list of allergy-free snack choices.
  • The School also informs parents, outside caterers, Parents’ Association volunteers, rental parties, and any others who may bring food onto the campus of the NO Nuts policy.
Allergy Action Plan

The Allergy Action Plan is a written directive of care to be given to a student in the event of an allergy incident. The School Nurse works with families to develop the plan. Generally, the process is as follows:

  • Parents of students with life threatening food allergies submit documentation from their child’s physician regarding the allergy and required medication to include in the Allergy Action Plan.
  • The School Nurse will review the Allergy Action Plan with parents. Epi Pens are kept in the nurse’s office unless otherwise determined by parents.
  • A delegate is assigned to students with a life-threatening food allergy in the absence of the nurse. All staff are instructed on how to recognize anaphylaxis and how to administer an Epi Pen annually.
  • At the start of each year, parents are invited to meet with the School Nurse to determine if participation in the Lunch Program is a safe option. Families of students who have life threatening allergies also have the option to opt out of the Lunch Program and bring (nut free) lunch daily.

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Director of Enrollment Management Lisa VanderVeen is here to help! Contact her at (908) 470-9500, ext. 1100 or via email.

Apply Fall 2023